
Mary Kawena Pūkui

Publications and Papers

“Puku’i’s translations and authorship span a variety of Native Hawaiian topics: Kinship, life cycles, religion, material culture, language, mele – the gamut of Native Hawaiian expression.  Today the full extent of Pukui’s work and scholarship is evident not only in her published work, but also in the vast repository of notes and manuscripts held at the Bishop Museum in the Hawaiian Ethnographic Notes (HEN)”.  – University of Hawai’i at Manoa Library guide.  


1923: Hawaiian Stories and Wise Sayings: Martha Beckwith and B. Belser; with collaboration of Mary Kawena Pūkui.

1932: Kepelino’s Traditions of Hawaii: M.W. Beckwith, notes by Mary Kawena Pūkui

1933: Hawaiian Folk Tales. Third series; collected and translated by Mary Kawena Pūkui

1934: Outline of Hawaiian Physical Therapeutics; M.K. Pūkui with E.S. Craighill Handy and Katherine Livermore

1936: Ancient Hulas of Kauai: Mary Kawena Pūkui, The Garden Island

1936: The Legend of Kawelo and Other Hawaiian Folk Tales: Laura C.S. Green and Mary Kawena Pūkui

1936: History of Hawaii: S.M. Kamakau; translated by Mary K. Pūkui

1938: The Canoe Making Profession of Ancient Times: translated by Mary Kawena Pūkui, edited by Kenneth Emory; Papers of the Hawaiian Historical Society No.20

1940: Hawaiian Planters vol.1; E.S. Craighill Handy in collaboration with Mary Kawena Pūkui;

1941: The Leis of Hawai’i: an Interpretation of the Songs of the Islands: Mary Kawena Puku’i and Mary Neal Paradise of the Pacific

1942: Hawaiian Beliefs & Customs During Birth, Infancy and Childhood: Mary Kawena Pūkui

1942: The Hula, Hawaii’s Own Dance, Mary Kawena Pūkui, Thrum;s Annual

1943: Childbirth and Infancy in Old Hawai’i; Mary Kawena ,  Pūkui , Paradise of the Pacific

1943: Games of My Hawaiian Childhood: Mary Kawena Pūkui Western Folklore Quarterly

1943: Childhood in Old Hawai’i; Mary Kawena Puku’i; Paradise of the Pacific

1943: The Hula: Mary Kawena Puku’i

1943Introduction to the Hawaiian Language; An English-Hawaiian Vocabulary; Mary Kawena Pūkui with Henry P. Judd and John F. G. Stokes

1944: Ke Awa Lau O Puuloa (The Many Harbored Sea of Puuloa: Mary Kawena Pūkui: Fifty-second Annual Report of the , Hawaiian Historical Society,

1945; Hawaiian Poetry and Music; Mary Pūkui

1947: The History of Ebon: Ae’e, Heezekiah, M.K. Puku’i; Report of the Hawaiian Historical Society

1949: Songs (meles) of Old Kau, Hawaii; Mary Kawena Pūkui: Journal of American Folklore

1949: Pikoi and Other Legends of the Island of Hawaii; Mary Kawena Pūkui, Caroline Curtis, Robert Lee Eskridge; Kamehameha Schools Press

1951; The Water of Kane and Other Legends of the Hawaiian Islands; Mary Kawena Pūkui, Caroline Curtis, Richard Goings;Kamehameha Schools Press

1952: Native Use of Fish in Hawaii: Margaret Titcomb, Mary Kawena Pūkui

1957: Hawaiian-English Dictionary; M.K. Pūkui with S. Elbert (1957) Honolulu, University of Hawaii Press

1958 The Polynesian Family System in Kaū, Hawaii; E.S.C. Handy, Mary Kawena Pūkui; The Polynesian Society Incorporated

1959: Fragments of Hawaiian History: John Papa Ii, translated by Mary Kawena Pūkui (edited version published)

1960: Tales of the Menehune; Mary Kawena Pūkui, Caroline Curtis; Kamehameha Schools Press

1961: Olelo Noeau A Ka Hawaii: Folk Sayings from the Hawaiian: Jane Lathrop Winne & Mary Kawena Pūkui.

1961: Ruling Chiefs: translated by M.K. Pūkui, Thos. Thrum, Lahilahi Webb, Emily Taylor, John Wise, final review by M.K. Pūkui; footnotes by M.W. Beckwith; proofed by Dorothy Barrere, Caroline Curtis

1963: News from Moloka’i; The Letterrs of Peter Young Kaeo (Kekuaokalani) to Queen Emma, 1873-1876; Mary Kawena Puku’i, Alfons Korn; Pacific Historical Review

1964: English-Hawaiian Dictionary: Mary Kawena Pūkui, Samuel H. Elbert

1964: Ka Poe Kahiko,The People of Old: Samuel Kamakau; translated by Mary Kawena Pūkui

1964: English-Hawaiian Dictionary: Mary Kawena Pūkui, Samuel Elbert

1966: Place Names of Hawaii and Supplement to the Third Edition of the Hawaiian-English Dictionary; Pūkui, Elbert, Mookini

1967: Poi Making; Mary Kawena Pūkui; essay in Polynesian Cultural History in honor of K.P Emory; B.P.B.M. spec. bull, B.M.Press

1969: Dog and Man in the Ancient Pacific with Special Attention to Hawai’i: M. Titcomb, Mary Kawena Pūkui Bishop Museum Press

1971, 1973: Hawaiian Dictionary: Hawaiian-English, English-Hawaiian, Mary Kawena Pūkui, Samuel Elbert,

1972Nānā i ke Kumu, Look to the Source, Vol. 1; M.K. Pūkui with Haertig and Lee

1972: Nānā i ke Kumu, Look to the Source; Vol. 2; M.K. Pūkui with Haertig, Lee and McDermott

1972: Native Planters in Old Hawaii: Their Life, Lore, and Environment; Mary Kawena Pūkui, Edward Smith Craighill Handy; Elizabeth Green Handy. Honolulu: Bishop Museum Press; Revised

1973: The Echo of our Song: Chants & Poems of the Hawaiian People; Mary Kawena Pūkui with Alphons Korn; University press

1974: Place Names of Hawaii; M.K. Pūkui, S. Elbert and E. Mookini

1975: The Pocket Hawaiian Dictionary, With a Concise Grammar:M.K. Pūkui, S. Elbert; E. Mo’okini

1976: Aspects of the Word Lei; Mary Kawena Pūkui; Directions In Pacific Traditional Literature; Essays in Honor of Katherine Luomala;, B.M.Press

1976: Works of the People of Old; Samuel Kamakau; translated by Mary Kawena Pūku‘i; edited by Dorothy Barrere

1979: Hawaiian-English Grammar: Elbert, Samuel H; Pūkui, Mary Kawena (2001) [1979].  Honolulu, HI: University of Hawaii Press

1980: Hula Historical Perspectives; Mary Kawena Pūkui with Dorothy B. Barrère and Marion Kelly

1983Ōlelo Noeau: Hawaiian Proverbs and Poetical Sayings: Mary Kawena Pūkui; Honolulu, Hawaii: Bishop Museum Press ______________________________________________


1989: Pocket Place Names of Hawai’i: Pūkui, Mary Kawena; Elbert,Samuel H; Mookini, Esther T: University of Hawaii Press

1990: Hawaiian-Japanese Dictionary: Pūkui, Mary Kawena; Elbert, Samuel H; Mookini, Esther T.; Nishizawa,

1991: Tales and Traditions of The People of Old: Samuel Kamakau; translated by Mary Kawena Pūkui

1994: Four Kaua’i Chants;  Mary Kawena Puku’i, Ethel Damon; Kaua’i Historical Society

1995: Folktales of Hawaii, He Mau Kaao Hawaii: Mary Kawena Pūku‘i, Laura Green: Folklore Foundation

1995: Handy Hawaiian Dictionary; M.K. Pūkui with Judd and Stokes

1995; Na Mele Welo, Songs of Our Heritage, selections from Roberts Mele Collection: translated by Mary Kawena Pūkui; Bishop Museum

1996Hawaii Island Legends: Pikoi, Pele and Others; compiler Mary Kawena Pūkui; retold by Caroline Curtis

1999: (1957) Hawaiian Dictionary : Hawaiian-English ; English- Hawaiian (10th ed.). Elbert, Samuel H; Pūkui, Mary Kawena Honolulu, HI: University of Hawaii Press

1996: Handy Hawaiian Dictionary: M.K. Pūkui, H. Judd, J. Stoke

1998: Huakai of Makaikai A Kaupo, Maui: Thomas K. Maunupau; translated by Mary Kawena Pūkui and Malcolm Chun; edited by Naomi Losch

2002: Nā Wahine of Hawaii: Proverbs and Inspirational Quotes Celebrating Women in Hawai’i: Mary Kawena PūkuHonolulu:Mutual, 

2002: Keaomelemele: He Moolelo Kaao No Keaomelemele, The Legend of Keaomelemele: M.K.Pūkui, editors M.Manu, P. Nogelmeier

2002-2006: Ka Ho’oilina: the Legacy 1-5; 5 volume journal containing original material from areas such as M.K. Puku’i’s
Hawaiian Ethnographic Notes

2003: Hula: Proverbs and Inspirational Quotes Celebrating Hula in Hawaii: Mary Kawena Pūkui Honolulu: Mutual, ISBN 1566476380

2006: Ka Oihana Lawaia, Hawaiian Fishing Traditiions: Daniel Kahaulelio 1902; translated by Mary Kawena Pūkui; B.M. Press

2006: Lono and the Magical Land Beneath the Sea; Caren Loebl-Fried, adapted and illustrated from Mary Kawena Puku’i’s translation of Mo’olelo Kahiki no Kumuhonua